"Free To Connect"
This Invite is to bring Goal Oriented people together, send out comments to one another and seek out Training, or Guidance to attain greater fulfillment in their daily lives...
Plan For Success -- What Are Your Goals? How Will You Get There? Most Goals Require Additional Training To Put Your Plan Into Action!
Get A Look At How To Proceed With A Professional Who Has Had Many Trials On This Journey Of Life... Never Giving Up is Essential --- Your Plan May Change, Time Lines Can Be Moved and so forth; but Persistence is motivating...!
So Let's Get Motivated To Be The Best We Can Be Through Consultation ... What have you meant to do, but kept procrastinating?
Life Challenges -- Is a Blog Spot I started To Trace Some of My Own Challenges... this site is open 24-7 to the Public. Ask me questions if this can be motivating! Most Everyone Have Potential To Do New Things...
Did you know today, Feb. 13, 2021, is International Radio Day?
I was listening to the radio today as I do everyday; and heard Paul Cross, on the radio hosting a talk on the magnificent work of radio..!
Wikipedia (the Free Encyclopedia), has valuable research on this topic along with in-text citation and references… Note to Academics Do Not Get Stuck on Wikipedia, find and rely more on Journal articles!
Radio’s inception began with the transmission of communication via Morse code; by British and German stations during WW 1.
The US Navy Radio Service station in New Brunswick, Canada, transmitted 'Fourteen Points (Principles of Peace Negotiations to End WW1)' by wireless to Nauen, Germany in 1917.
In 1920, Guglielmo Marconi was responsible for the first short wave radio transmission over long distance.. In the 60’s, or 70’s+ most homes had radio, not many had televisions (Black & White).
It was a very exciting time, people crowded together to listen to sports, music (legendary), news and other commentaries. “BBC World News” was priceless…just the way in which the commentator spoke..
To this day, radio remains a constant for many; I constantly purge T.V. to focus on more meaningful aspects of personal development. However, Radio is a very essential tool for learning, providing musical enjoyment, as well as communicating information.
With masses of invention in society for listening to music; just give me radio, this way I can listen to music and also know/hear updates on what is going on in the community. Another plus, is that I never have to change a C.D… Now why would I give that up?
Radio is priceless, if you include radio, one can have constant weather updates, traffic updates, travel notifications, news, music; radio would also constantly say the time of day… this has fallen by the wayside…
Radio keeps you alert, anything I’m doing radio's in the background; if I’m cleaning, then I turn it up to my favourite station and the work is always painless… “You never have to Stop, because Radio never Stops!”
A Sample of Radio London News -- July 1967!
What do you NEED?
The Operative word here is NEED!
Having top of the line devices is not a NEED..!
Don't buy second hand... 2nd hand can appear to save you valuable cash.... but it may not provide you with any warranty, or return policy -- once you give up your cash it's gone!
Buy something with the basic operating system that will more than fulfill your needs.. It keeps your cost down and will last many years; if used wisely.
I find a 32 or 64 Bit operating system works. Most computers comes with 64 Bit, so you can do upgrades.. You need a good office program; if your laptop does not come with one; WPS is free online and compatible with Microsoft version.
Also you can get software downloads free from your College or University website -- a lot of programs can be downloaded off the internet -- Do be careful, some sites say free but then clutter your computer if you do not buy. Just remove their program and do a system restore if necessary.
System Restore or System Backup must be done for your computer first thing after your purchase...
Used means, you may not even get the original handbook that comes with the device.... You need this so you can troubleshoot if necessary..
I first learnt that computers don't break using an old desktop.. Everything you touch on the internet traces your steps..! You will need to do repairs, but there are also programs for that; which is likely also included on your device.... so do not buy extras -- they can cause more harm to your device.
Not only that --- but every site you visit, junk gets collected in history and cookies--- Further, any other site you visit can trace your history & does their own collection..
A Big No -- NEVER Sync all your data to one devise, or all your devices; especially not if you want to keep it running smoothly... You're eating up valuable memory space that your device needs... This may appear convenient, but it causes many problems, especially with all the data collection going on now!
Keep phone data in your phone and laptop data in your laptop... go to the source when you want to access something.. Also do try and make your passwords memorable, and Not like your birthday...Never..Never...and if you need to retrieve passwords just add a recovery email... always have more than one email account... To much hacking and other stuff going on now -- This is all very tedious work, but worth it to stay safe online!
Google is one of the safest email account you can have at no personal cost to you...always check your privacy settings... Google will constantly remind you to do this...so do it...then you pick what's collected and so forth...
I enjoy Social Media to a point - I find those sites are always attempting to retrieve your settings...or link data -- I end up having to always check those and re-set my laptop.. better to just create a Restore point and do this every so often...
Never use phone for anything you do on the computer... just sensible surfing...
Your phone, store all your passwords and it is most difficult to sign out of networks, or accounts... Now guess what you are giving away valuable information that belong to you!
About Apps.. don't go overboard...only download what you need; your phone comes with basics and you hardly need more... so restrict yourself!
A tip for students: You do not need a wireless provider... use the money to invest in a good phone, not a contract -- school is expensive and a lot of times you're watching money get flushed...so just use wireless to connect all you devices --- there are some really great apps. available in Google Play, make use of an international phone app. where you can text and make calls at no cost to you!
This way you connect your devices when you need it...if in a new location!
Also you protect yourself; and give yourself time to respond to contacts! You know those folks who think they're paying for your subscription with the service provider.... Not worth it!
Logically if something is urgent then it involves life and death...and you are neither a doctor, nor a health practitioner and do not need such responsibilities! Unless you are...then you know this is included in your hiring contract...not out of pocket expenses!
Of course, if you're working for a company that provides all your electronic hook ups and hardware... then you had better be ready to respond pronto!
This is your life, your pocket getting hit... so be pragmatic!
Academics, you do not need your electronic devices on campus... if you need to use a computer, there are campus computers and you're paying for access....use it!
Keep a basic phone, and you need a laptop for convenience when you're at home for: research, writing papers, accessing your online College/University Blackboard portals..
Taking your device to class is totally distracting, make notes for each course...that way you can review without having to stare at a computer screen all the time..
Plus, others can access your notes...you know those who always have all the best excuses as to why they were not in class for the lectures...they can have a copy of your notes if they can do the copying themselves and can read your writing... never write in full sentences...use acronyms as much as possible....it facilitates efficient coverage of the class content...also this is your work!
Be Safe -- Safety is number one --- Don't depend on others -- this is your struggle --- Get it done -- Do Not Breath Until You Are Out The Door Credentials in Hand!
Learning can be challenging but including others can be rewarding and Motivating -- Supporting graduates in 2021 and beyond to Publish their Thesis Work, this is or can be a lot of work, molding the idea over during your program helps! Link: https://joysocietypublication.wordpress.com/